Most formal men's suit for gala and state occasions.
Examples for "full dress suit"
Examples for "full dress suit"
1He had on his full dress suit, and his face wore one perpetual smile.
2Nothing less strictly formal than the complete full dress suit is worn by the gentleman at the evening ball.
3You can remove spots of egg from your full dress suit with ammonia and water, applied by means of a common nail brush.
4One day he concealed his fury, which was ready to explode, under a full dress suit and sent in his card to Mademoiselle Dolores.
5A full dress suit was made for Claude, and when he entered Society you could tell at once that he was not a waiter.
1He decided that the boy should wear a dress-coat and white tie.
2You think I had better wear a long coat and white tie?
3And behind McKenna walked Theodore Roosevelt, also in white tie and tails.
4Childers was laid out in, if memory serves, white tie and tails.
5The invitation made clear that the occasion called for ' white tie with decorations'.
1What happened if he changed into wolf form in full evening dress?
2There emerged from it a young man, bare-headed, in full evening dress.
3Shanghai society was present in force, and in full evening dress.
4While he was doing this, Osborne came in dressed in full evening dress.
5Then suddenly into our awed silence broke my mother in full evening dress.
1He was not a groundsman; he was in a full evening suit.
2Janki looked very elegant in the full glory of an evening suit.
3And you can depend on your evening suit to be up in time.
4Bradford did not wear an evening suit; neither did he deem apology necessary.
5Without thinking when he dressed, he had transferred it to his evening suit.
6I'd ask you, Ellen, only I know Arthur hasn't got an evening suit.
7It surprises you to see me in an evening suit, eh?
8He did not buy, or even hire, an evening suit.
9Put on your evening suit, and you'll be all right.
10The inspector was in his best evening suit, something grey, probably from Armani as usual.
11A stout perspiring Jew in a shabby evening suit came forward and begged for decorum.
12Would six o'clock on Wednesday evening suit you, then?
13The creature in the black evening suit and red ascot leaps forward with dreadful agility.
14They found a young man in an evening suit trying to kiss a very pretty girl.
15He was dressed in an evening suit.
16He wore a most unconventional evening suit, the waistcoat cut very high, and a plain black tie.
Translations for evening suit